Emergency Info

This information will be used for communications to students and employees in case of emergency. In addition, students may provide missing student contact information pursuant to the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedure for Students Residing in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities.

To designate or update missing student contact information and emergency contact information, complete the following steps:

  • Log in to Campus Portal at http://portal.noujcf.com.
  • Click on “Students” at the top of the welcome page.
  • In the “Student Services” section, click on “User Contact Information.”
  • Click on “Emergency/Personal Contact Information.”
  • The emergency contact information section is located at the bottom of the page, below your address, telephone, and email information. Edit the fields with the name, relationship, and telephone numbers of up to two emergency contacts and click on “Submit.”

Campus Emergency Contacts
Emergency - 254-HELP (4357)
Public Safety Routine - 254-3611
Health Services - 254-3156
Environmental Health & Safety - 254-3611 or ext. 4357
Facilities Management - 254-3136
Counseling Center - 254-3124